— Empower, Accelerate, Achieve


General FAQ

NLP was developed in the early 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.


NLP is a study of excellence; it is a synthesis of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology.


NLP explores how we use the language of our minds and bodies to make sense of the information that comes to us as an external event. As a result, we produce a certain behavior.


NLP is like an instruction manual for the mind, it optimizes our thinking. It gives us tools to become powerful communicators, be in a positive emotional state and consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes. Through the use of NLP techniques, we regulate our thinking, language and behavior in a way that allows us to perform at optimal levels.


NLP has a wide range of applications to both personal and professional development. Some examples include business, sales, marketing, leadership, communication, education and therapy.

Coaching is an ongoing interaction between the coach and the client which assists the client to develop their capabilities, achieve their goals and objectives and produce successful results.


The coach promotes, supports and encourages their client’s growth, professional development and personal benchmarks.

A collection of techniques allowing the Client to gain control over their emotions. Inability to understand and manage negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, anxiety and depression are roadblocks, preventing people from living happy and fulfilled lives.


Limiting beliefs as “I am not good enough”, “I can’t make money” or “I will never find the love of my life" are programs that are hardwired in us from an early childhood. They run on unconscious level, we are not even aware of their presence and they are preventing us from achieving what we want in life.


Working with the Time Line allows negative emotions and limiting beliefs from the past to be released which allows the client to move toward the future they desire.


The Time Line Therapy ™ techniques are quick and effective and create long-lasting results.

Time Line Therapy ™ techniques have demonstrated results in a large spectrum of presenting problems. You can benefit from Time Line Therapy ™ not only in your personal life ,but also in your professional life .It leads to increased performance , effectiveness and focus on the desired outcome.


Understanding and managing emotions is the necessary foundation to build positive interpersonal skills in your personal and professional life.

I believe that the success of our coaching relationship depends on honesty, open communication and feedback. The process I follow is a “do with” process. In other words, no matter how excited I am for your transformation, I can’t “do things to or for you” to facilitate change. Your willingness to change and actively participate in achieving your desired outcome is necessary.

Personal Coaching FAQ

Personal coaching is a partnership between a coach and a client. Personal coaching can be used in any area of life – career, health and fitness, relationships, personal growth, spirituality and others.

Coaching can assist in bringing the best out of the person and reach their desired results. The coach assists the client to identify their goals. The coach provides accountability, support and encouragement. The coach will help identify limitations and problem areas that once resolved will allow the client to live a fulfilling life.

Why do athletes have coaches? To help them set a goal and tailor the training to the athlete’s needs, to optimize their performance, to keep them on track of their training goals, to provide feedback and to encourage them when it becomes difficult.


No matter how talented and hard working the athlete is, he or she would not have the same results if they were not working with a coach. Similarly, the personal coach is the person in your corner who will have your best interest at heart and will guide you through the process of where are you now and where you want to be.

Often the self-help process is a one-way process – people follow the advice of a book, podcast, seminar, online posts, etc. Most of the improvement processes are conducted alone, without the guidance, direction, support and wisdom necessary for the accomplishment of a goal. Using the self-help process can produce incompletions.


When people are running unresourceful patterns, they are rarely consciously aware of them. If they were aware, they wouldn’t have the problem to begin with. Coaching allows the Client to see beyond their blind spots. A coach can discover where the process is going wrong and coach the client to redirect it. The feedback that is lacking in the self-help process is essential in correcting mistakes and improving overall results.

In therapy there are lengthy discussions about the person’s past and the traumatic events and the focus is on reliving pain and symptoms to get rid of them.


In coaching we don’t spend a lot of time on the past. In a personal breakthrough, we take a detailed personal history to get a better understanding of the root cause of the problem we are working on, but we don’t spend a lot of time doing that. The focus is on discovering the structure of what prevents the client from achieving their goals and change it to make the goals achievable. The coach assists the client to learn new ways of looking at things and as a result the client has more control over their own capabilities. In coaching the focus is not so much on the client’s past life but on their future goals and objectives and the overall development and growth in the process of achieving the desired outcome.

Business Coaching FAQ

Business coaching is a partnership between a coach and an individual or organization looking to overcome obstacles and limitations in order to achieve their desired outcome in the area of their career.

Every organization’s success depends on the performance of its people. The more highly performing a person is, the more successful and more rewarded they are. Coaching is imperative for the success of a company. Coaching brings the best out of people and advances their already acquired skills which benefits the team and ultimately the whole organization.


One of the main outcomes of coaching is increased and enhanced performance. Coaching will also further develop the client’s communication, interpersonal and leadership skills.


Coaching can assist in the growth and development of the professionals and leaders and it has tremendous impact on productivity, job satisfaction and job longevity.


Coaching promotes emotional well-being, awareness of emotions and the ability to deal with them, which leads to personal and professional resilience.


Coaching allows the client to decide the best approach in solving a problem, how to interact with their clients, managers, executive leaders, how to work individually or in teams and how to advance in their personal and professional development.

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